CASES 1980x6002 3

The transition from Learning Provider to Learning Partner

The need to shift from being a simple provider/supplier to being a significant partner What is the relationship between L&D and learning providers like?Do they support the strategy or do they just take on the task of delivering some seminars?…

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The reputation of feedback

” Feedback (and Other Dirty Words). Why we fear it, How to fix it.», M. Tamra Chandler και Laura Dowling Grealish Focusing on the highly misunderstood concept of feedback, the authors of the book argue that there is a paradox:…

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Winning the game in the days of Covid

What is the biggest challenge for businesses these days? Someone will easily answer revenue, cash flow, finances, turnover. What else; And yet, this period the challenge is different: how to keep our people engaged in the organization, its purpose and…

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Control or autonomy? The new leadership model

If the pandemic and the suddenly imposed telecommuting has done anything, it is to push us into new ways of working and collaborating. We found ourselves suddenly and without preparation, in front of a new situation. The main fear was…

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Building Capability – Capability Academies

For years, organizations have realized the importance of continuous training and development of their executives. IBM, McDonald’s and other companies of similar scope have created their own Corporate Universities. They combined Academic content and the strategic development of their executives,…